NABU Course
At NABU, we're dedicated to tackling the global literacy crisis, and we recognize that educators are a crucial part of this endeavor. We are thrilled to announce the "The Power of a Read-Aloud," course for educators around the globe.
This course is specifically designed for educators to deepen their understanding of reading development, and recognize the power of interactive read-alouds as tools for fostering a love for reading and supporting literacy development.
The Power of a Read-Aloud
This course is specifically designed for educators to understand the power of read-aloud sessions as tools for fostering a love for reading and supporting literacy development.
Marj Brown
“I recently completed the “Power of Read Aloud” course offered on the 1MT website, created by 1MT, HP, and NABU. As a teacher who believes in the importance of reading as core to education, aligning with imagination, critical thinking, vocabulary, and content, I was so impressed to find the context underscored all the components of reading. In addition, it raised the importance of thoroughly preparing for a lesson when reading aloud, in order to maximise the learning pathways that pupils traverse, when listening and discussing a good story. The modules were well prepared, with modelling as well as templates for lesson preparation. The participant then had the opportunity of implementing the learning, by preparing a lesson based on a story from the NABU website and assisted by a NABU read aloud menu resource.
This short but comprehensive course is excellent for foundation phase teachers and early childhood development teachers, but educators of intermediate phase would also benefit from the wisdom therein.”
Imemba Lieoma Victoria
"Power of Read-Aloud is a course every change agent should embrace because after going through this course I learnt how mother tongue can be incorporated in story storytelling to promote language comprehension which is known as upper strand and word recognition which is known as lower strand, offer explicit instructions on how these strand skills could be used in guiding young learners towards proficient reading.
Before now I was thinking it is the children (learners) that do the read aloud but through this course I learnt that reading aloud is actually done by the teacher after drawing the attention of the learners to the background knowledge of the story, the interactive read aloud build a strong reading foundation for early readers.
Through this course I was able to learn the importance of planning and choosing a book that will blend with learning objectives which its determiner is the average reading level of the students.
The story of Nuru's Space Adventure was a highlight for me in this course.
As certified Blackbelts we need to widen our understanding on how Read-Aloud will help us to promote critical thinking and reading culture in our learners."