We Empower Teachers

The impact of a truly empowered teacher goes far beyond what can be measured with numbers. As role models and community leaders, they have the power to create change that lasts for generations. 1 Million Teachers is the international programming partner for the development of empowered teachers, we go beyond training to also create pathways to job satisfaction and consistent income in order to achieve sustainability. 

The single greatest effect on student achievement is not race, it is not poverty – it is the effectiveness of the teacher.

— Harry Wong

Empowered Teachers Change Lives

We know that teachers play a critical role in unlocking the potential of every child and lifting entire communities. Despite this, the shortage of motivated and trained teachers worldwide continues to grow. Without urgent action, more children won’t have access to a teacher by 2030, than there are today.

Globally, 44 million additional teachers need to be recruited to meet universal primary and secondary education in 2030 of which 1 in 3, or 15 million, are needed in sub-Saharan Africa alone - a number which has decreased by only 2 million since 2016. - UNESCO

Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to creating sustainable development. In addition to improving quality of life, access to inclusive education can help equip locals with the tools required to develop innovative solutions to the world’s greatest problems.[…] The reasons for lack of quality education are due to lack of adequately trained teachers, poor conditions of schools and equity issues related to opportunities provided to rural children. 

United Nations

The Triple Challenge

Achieving universal education is a complex global challenge, but our extensive research has identified three key challenges in closing the teacher gap. In many places around the world, the teaching profession isn’t respected, the pathways leading to the profession are few and the salaries are low. We address these in what we call “The Triple Challenge”.

  • Develope pathways into the profession using accessable and engaging rewards-based programs.

  • Combine universally valuable soft skill training with locally-approved curriculums to ensure strong, tangible learning outcomes for students.

  • Create passionate lifelong learners using both intrinsic and extrinisc factors such as salary and community recognition.

Source: Teacher Continuous Development, Injini: Africa’s EdTech Incubator. Download the full report here

Empowered Teacher

What is an “Empowered Teacher”?

Closing the teachers’ gap is more than a game of numbers. In many communities, the teaching profession is not given the respect it needs and the impact of this can be seen in the lack of young people pursuing the field as well as the capability of current teachers to deliver the best possible learning outcomes for students.

  • Decision Making

    They’re involved in decisions such as curriculum, textbooks and goal setting.

  • Status

    Their individual expertise and the importance of the teaching profession are both recognized and respected within their community.

  • Self-Efficacy

    Teachers have confidence in themselves and their ability to perform the job.

  • Autonomy

    Teachers have necessary control over their work to ensure the success of their students.

  • Impact

    They recognize the influential role they play beyond the classroom, as community leaders.

  • Professional Growth

    They’re knowledgeable about their subjects and have the drive to continue learning.

My 1MT Journey

One inspired and motivated teacher can impact the trajectory of numerous students' lives, instilling knowledge and fostering growth. A million such dedicated teachers collectively possess the potential to catalyze a transformative shift that resonates globally, shaping the future in profound ways.

How It Comes To Life

 We empower teachers by blending international digital programming with community-driven implementation. Our signature offering, The Black Belt Program, is used by teachers and educational partners around the world.