FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE: The Impact of 1 Million Teachers on My Teaching Journey

I was lucky enough to come across this program early as a student-teacher before even my time of teaching practice arrived.

My journey into the 1MT program began during my third year, second semester, under the guidance of Dr. Madrine, our lecturer. Her endorsement of the program piqued my interest and led me to enroll in a three-week intensive course designed to prepare aspiring teachers for the practical challenges of the classroom.

The course concluded with a memorable graduation ceremony at the University of Embu Kenya, held just a month before I embarked on my teaching practice, in fact we were graduating with a number of them being fourth years, if not wrong I was the only third year graduating.

The training provided me with invaluable insights and tools, focusing on effective teaching methodologies, classroom management, and the importance of motivation and reinforcement.

I was assigned to Gatondo Secondary School (Embu County), a mixed-day school with a diverse student body facing various challenges. The school's environment presented unique difficulties, including home and financial challenges, family instabilities, and an unfriendly environment for education. These factors contributed to the students' generally poor academic performance.

Armed with the tools and knowledge from the 1Million Teachers program, and from various courses including Girl Rising, I sought to make a positive impact.

My approach centered on motivation, reinforcement, and providing a listening ear to the students. Understanding their backgrounds and the challenges they faced allowed me to connect with them on a deeper level. I also learned a great deal from the senior teachers, whose experience and guidance were invaluable. Learning never end.

My primary focus areas were Mathematics and Geography, subjects that the students struggled with the most. By employing interactive teaching methods and offering consistent encouragement, I aimed to build their confidence and foster a positive learning environment.

The response from both the students and the staff was overwhelmingly positive. The students showed marked improvement in their performance, particularly in Mathematics and Geography. The teacher-student relationship grew stronger, creating a supportive and nurturing environment Number of students even turned the department to be a guidance and counseling office. It was incredibly fulfilling to see the students gain confidence and find hope in their academic pursuits

The culmination of my experience came at the end of the term, when the students surprised me with a beautifully designed cake inscribed with the words, "We appreciate you, God bless you Mr. Kigen." This heartfelt gesture was a testament to the strong bonds we had formed and the positive impact of the 1Million Teachers program.

In conclusion, the training I received through the 1Million Teachers program proved to be instrumental in navigating the challenges of my teaching practice. It equipped me with the skills and confidence to make a meaningful difference in the lives of my students. My time at Gatondo Secondary School was a transformative experience, reinforcing the importance of dedicated and empathetic teaching in shaping the future of our youth. Learning never ends, aiming to still learn more here.

Written by: Mr. Kigen


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